Currency exchange at your fingertips

GBP to BGN: Convert British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva

Exchange British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva in-app, then save, spend, and send however you like — with great exchange rates and low fees. That's true global freedom. See how a little money can go a long way with Revolut.

Our current rate£1 = лв 2.2908
Additional fees£10.00
Get startedExchange rates are dynamic. Always remember to check the applicable rate in-app before carrying out your exchange

1 GBP = 2.29740 BGN

лв 0.027401.21 %
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British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva: exchange rates today

1 GBP2.29 BGN
10 GBP22.90 BGN
20 GBP45.81 BGN
50 GBP114.53 BGN
100 GBP229.07 BGN
250 GBP572.69 BGN
300 GBP687.22 BGN
500 GBP1,145.38 BGN
1,000 GBP2,290.76 BGN
2,000 GBP4,581.53 BGN
5,000 GBP11,453.82 BGN
10,000 GBP22,907.65 BGN
1 BGN0.43 GBP
10 BGN4.34 GBP
20 BGN8.68 GBP
50 BGN21.70 GBP
100 BGN43.40 GBP
250 BGN108.51 GBP
300 BGN130.21 GBP
500 BGN217.02 GBP
1,000 BGN434.04 GBP
2,000 BGN868.08 GBP
5,000 BGN2,170.22 GBP
10,000 BGN4,340.44 GBP

Although we update our data continuously, exchange rates are always changing due to market fluctuations. Check the current rate in-app before you convert or send.

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See why so many customers are raving about Revolut

Could it be because of our multi-currency accounts? Or our easy money transfers? Or our amazing GBP to BGN exchange rates? Truth is, there's so much to love about Revolut. Check out our app ratings and see why so many people have showered us with stars.

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Convert GBP to BGN with the Revolut exchange rate

Foreign exchange, forex, FX... No matter what you call it, you'll find it in-app — at amazing rates with low fees. Explore all the ways you can save when you exchange currencies and send money with Revolut.
  • No additional exchange fees on weekdays

    Got the Monday blues? Here's a pick-me-up. Exchange GBP to BGN and send money to the UK without any additional currency exchange fees on weekdays, whenever your amount is within your plan's limits.

  • Competitive exchange rates and low fees

    We love a little competition, and we're in it to win it. Check out our GBP to BGN rates and see how our low fees stack up against other providers'. Let the exchange race begin.

  • No exchange limits when you upgrade

    If you're exchanging large amounts of money often, check out our Premium, Metal, and Ultra plans. There are no fair usage limits, so you can convert and send as much as you like without additional fees. Plan fees and T&Cs apply.

How to convert British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva

Torn between two countries?

Hold GBP and BGN in your multi-currency account

You don't have to choose — at least when it comes to currencies. Convert British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva in a tap and hold both in your account at the same time, among 36 supported currencies. Then check your balances at a glance and manage your money seamlessly across the world. That's the closest you can get to being in two places at once.

Hold GBP and BGN in your multi-currency account

Looking for money transfers to the UK?

You send British Pounds...

Just download our app for iOS or Android, and add money to your account in British Pounds. Then go to the Transfers section in-app, choose your destination country, and enter the amount you want your recipient to get in Bulgarian Leva.
You send British Pounds...

...And they receive Bulgarian Leva

Like magic. We'll convert your British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva for you and show you the total cost before you send. Don't you love it when things are this easy?Explore money transfers
...And they receive Bulgarian Leva

Travel and spend in Bulgarian Leva with your Revolut card

When in the UK, do as the locals do and pay in Bulgarian Leva. All you need is a Revolut card. Who knew you could carry 150+ currencies in your back pocket?

¹Fees and limits apply.

How we keep your money safe

Great rates, low fees, easy in-app features — that's all wonderful, but knowing your money's safe with us is priceless. Discover why 40+ million global customers trust us for currency exchange, money transfers, and more.
  1. Fraud prevention team

    Our anti-fraud team consists of 2,500+ members dedicated to protecting your money. They saved Revolut customers more than £200M in potentially fraudulent transactions during 2022 alone.

  2. 24/7 customer support

    We're here for you — anytime, any day. Our chat support is powered by real human beings, available in 100+ languages, and always encrypted.

  3. Personal data protection

    We make sure your data is processed responsibly, following the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and all global data protection legislation.

  4. Custom-built security systems

    We keep your account safe with two-factor authentication and provide powerful in-app tools that give you full control over your money.

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One app, all things money

Convert British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva with Revolut

Whether you're exchanging currencies or sending money abroad, we've got you covered. With 160+ supported countries and counting, it's only a matter of time before we reach every border. Download our app and change the way you money.

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Want more info?

GBP to BGN currency exchange FAQs

  • Currency exchange rates rise and fall constantly, so it's wise to keep an eye out for current market trends. Our goal is to give you easy access to the most updated info so you can find the best exchange rates for you. Before converting British Pounds to Bulgarian Leva, use our currency converter, conversion tables, and price comparison widget to find today's exchange rates and compare different providers. Keep in mind that exchange rates fluctuate constantly, so always double-check our current rate in-app before converting.Check live GBP to BGN exchange rates now.
  • Depending on your plan, the amount you're exchanging, and the day of the week, you may pay a currency exchange fee. If you're sending GBP to a BGN account, you may also pay a small transfer fee. You'll always see the total cost in-app before you exchange, along with the Revolut exchange rate.

    Currency exchange fees

    If the amount you're exchanging is within your plan’s fair usage limit, you won't pay any additional currency exchange fees on weekdays. You'll pay a 1% fee on all currency exchanges during the weekend, no matter what plan you have. We charge weekend fees because currency exchange markets are closed during that time, and this fee helps us cover any changes in the exchange rate. If you're over your monthly exchange allowance, you'll pay an additional fair usage fee, depending on your plan (1% for the Standard plan and 0.5% for the Plus plan). There are no fair usage fees with our Premium, Metal, and Ultra plans. These limits are set on a rolling monthly basis. You can check your fair usage limit and the date it will reset under Your plan in your profile.

    Money transfer fees

    When you send GBP to a BGN account, you may pay a small transfer fee. This is the amount we charge to process your transfer. The total cost depends on the transfer method you choose, the destination country, and the amount you're sending, but don't worry — you'll see all costs live in-app before you send. You'll get discounts on these fees with our Premium, Metal, and Ultra plans. Heads up — external banks may charge non-Revolut transfer fees that we can't foresee. If you're looking for fee-free money transfers, try a Revolut-to-Revolut transfer. You can send money to other Revolut friends in any of the 36 supported currencies you hold, without having to convert. For more information on your plan's fees, check out our terms and policies. Fees are subject to change, but you'll always see them in-app before you convert.
  • You can convert GBP to BGN with us in 3 ways.

    In-app currency exchange

    You can exchange GBP to BGN and keep both in separate accounts, among 36 supported currencies. Here's how to exchange in-app:
    1. Download Revolut for Android or iOS, if you haven't already, and sign up for an account.
    2. Add money to your account in GBP.
    3. Go to the Exchange section.
    4. Choose GBP as your starting currency and BGN as the currency you want to convert to.
    5. Enter the amount you want to convert in GBP or receive in BGN. We'll calculate the conversion for you.
    6. Check the exchange rate and any applicable fees.
    7. Tap Confirm order and you're all done.

    International money transfers

    When you send GBP from the UK to a BGN account in the UK, we'll exchange your money in-app and show you our current conversion rate before you send. Here's how to send money:
    1. Download Revolut for Android or iOS, if you haven't already, and sign up for an account.
    2. Add money to your account in GBP.
    3. Go to the Transfers section in your Revolut app.
    4. Choose your destination country, then enter how much you want to send in GBP or how much you want your recipient to get in BGN.
    5. Check our exchange rates, fees, and estimated delivery times in-app.
    6. Fill in your recipient's details. You'll usually need their full name, BIC or SWIFT code, and their account number.
    7. Tap Send and track your transfer in-app.

    Card payments abroad

    When you pay with your Revolut card in the UK, we'll automatically exchange your money to BGN. Just add money to your account and shop wherever Visa or Mastercard are accepted.
  • You can make up to 100 exchanges every 24 hours, and there's no maximum amount you can exchange, no matter what plan you have. However, there are fair usage limits for Standard and Plus customers. Once you reach your limit, you'll pay a 1% fee if you have the Standard plan and 0.5% if you have the Plus plan. These limits apply on a rolling 30-day basis. You can keep track of all your currency conversions in-app.
  • We use two-factor authentication to make sure you're the only one who can log in to your account, and we'll send you anti-fraud warnings in-app if we suspect that a transfer may be a scam. We also protect your personal data with our full-stack security systems. Additionally, we use other security methods that vary depending on the Revolut entity you're registered to. Here's how you can learn more.
    1. Open the Revolut app.
    2. Click on your profile icon on the home screen.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and see which Revolut entity shows up.
    4. Go to our Help Centre to read more on your Revolut entity and how we keep your money safe.